Friday 24 April 2009

The Fundamental Makings of A Solitary Vo

"The photograph infuses almost all levels of memory; even those of which it is not directly part. It constitutes a meta-value of memory construction, its tentacles spread out, blurring and constructing memory in its insistent image."
Material Memories - Photographs as Objects of Memory, Elizabeth Edwards

These set of images represent a snippet from a collection of artifacts which my father has collected over the years. These particular artifacts are connected to his travels as a young man, a voyager, before his responsibilities as a husband and father.

The starting point to a world of travel, 1955

A message in a bottle; a wish cast out to sea....

The break-away from home, 1958

The routes taken

From Singapore to Skipton Yorkshire, 1955

The translator

A little money can bring you a long way...

A true voyager.

Sunday 19 April 2009

Portraiture: Examining the relationship between photographer and subject

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Experimental Imagery

Fashion Narrative

Environmental Portraiture